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Consider taking action on other issues.

Protect Funding for California Trails

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislators to support safe walking and biking in California.

Communities Need Connected Trails

Take action on this issue

Sign our petition in support of critical investments in trail and active transportation networks.

Fund the Ohio Trails Vision

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Message to Ohio residents urging them to write state senators in support of $115MM to fund the state trails.

Help Advance Trails in Maryland

Take action on this issue

Write your state legislators and urge them to support legislation to advance trails in Maryland (House Bill (H.B) 530 and Senate Bill (S.B.) 645).

I Pledge to Speak Out for Trails!

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Sign our pledge to write your local, state and federal officials to speak out for biking, walking and trails. Your voice is critical to connect and expand trail networks across the country!

Improve the Recreation Passport Program

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Support of increased funding and revision of the Recreation Passport program

Close Streets to Create Safe Places to Walk and Bike

Take action on this issue

Sign our petition to close select streets to car traffic to create safe places for walking and biking for all American.

Pledge to Speak Out for Trails!

Take action on this issue

Sign our pledge to write your local, state and federal officials to speak out for biking, walking and trails. Your voice is critical to connect and expand trail networks across the country!

Protect Funding for California Trails

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislators to support safe walking and biking in California.

Speak Out for the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network

Take action on this issue

Tell your elected representatives that trail networks, like the Baltimore Greenway Trails Network, that are safe and separated from traffic are a priority to you.

Stop Anti-Bike Legislation in New Jersey

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislators to stop anti-bike legislation in New Jersey.

Support Funding for Maryland Trails

Take action on this issue

Message to Maryland residents urging them to write state senators in support of the Maryland Transportation and Climate Alignment Act (TCA)

Support Philadelphia's Transportation Improvement Program

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislators to support safe walking and biking in the Greater Philidelphia area.

Support a Multiuse Trail Connection through Powell and Beyond

Take action on this issue

Sign the petition to the region's leaders and let them know that NOW is the time to invest in a long-distance multiuse trail in Park County.

Protect safe biking and walking in Houston

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislators to support safe walking and biking in Houston.

Support the Maine Trails Bond

Take action on this issue

Urge your legislators to support investments more trails in Maine.

Tell Your Legislators: Be a Voice for Indiana Trails

Take action on this issue

Ask your legislators to be part of the Indiana Legislative Trails Caucus.

Tell Your Senators: Support Connected Communities

Take action on this issue

Urge your senators to sign on to a letter from Sens. Markey and Sullivan in support of funding the Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program.

Thank Your Legislator for Being a Voice for Indiana Trails

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Thank you legislator for being part of the Indiana Trails Caucus and a powerful advocate for the trails you love.

Urge Your State Legislator to Support Safer Roadways

Take action on this issue

Urge your state legislator to support a bill to increase safety for people who bike and walk in Utah. Your voice is critical for safer roadways.